Puri: The Superintendent of Police, Puri on Saturday released a video on Twitter on the cremation of youth at the Swargadwar in the presence of his family members. He had died, allegedly, due to a scuffle with the police here.
Body of the deceased K. Ramesh cremated at #Puri swargadwar by his family members such as his father K. Gurumurthy, uncle K. Arya and others after PM examination at headquarters hospital #Puri.@odisha_police @DGPOdisha @CMO_Odisha @kanak_news @otvnews @News18Odia pic.twitter.com/B6AqvbFGOs
— Superintendent of Police Puri (@SPPuri1) November 21, 2020
Notably, the family members had earlier told the media that the police cremated the deceased, K Ramesh without informing them.
However, the police said that the family members were handed over the body for cremation after the post mortem at the district headquarters hospital.