New Delhi: A day after his Lok Sabha membership was restored as per the directive of the Supreme Court, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi was re-allotted his old government bungalow. Gandhi vacated his 12, Tughlaq Lane bungalow in April and shifted to his mother Sonia Gandhis’ residence in the national capital following his disqualification from Lok Sabha.
Gandhi was disqualified as a member of the lower house on March 24 after the metropolitan court in Surat sentenced him to two years in jail in a criminal defamation case involving a remark on ‘Modi’ surname. He was reinstated as MP by the Lok Sabha secretariat on Monday, days after the Supreme Court stayed his conviction in the defamation case.
Rahul Gandhi got an official confirmation from the Estate office for the allotment of a bungalow as an MP and, for now, he has been offered 12, Tughlak Lane, reported ANI quoting people aware of the matter. Gandhi, however, is yet to decide on taking the bungalow and the MP has eight days to respond to it, according to the report. Notably, as MP from Kerala’s Wayanad, he was allotted the government bungalow at 12, Tughlak Lane after he won from Amethi in the 2004 Lok Sabha elections.
“The people of Hindustan gave me this house for 19 years. I want to thank them. There is a price for speaking the truth these days. Whatever the cost, I will pay it,” he said after vacating the bungalow in April.