New Delhi: A day after the threat to Shah Rukh Khan, Bollywood actor Salman Khan has received a fresh threat from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang over a song linking him with the notorious gangster. The threat was sent to Mumbai’s traffic control room on Thursday.
The threat was made in reference to a song that allegedly links both Salman Khan and Lawrence Bishnoi, saying that the songwriter would face severe retaliation within a month.
The threat said that the songwriter “will no longer be able to write songs,” India Today reported.
The message went on to directly challenge Salman Khan, saying, “If Salman Khan has the courage, he should save them.”
This incident adds to a series of threats involving Lawrence Bishnoi and his associates, who had previously targeted the Bollywood actor over issues linked to a blackbuck poaching case from 1998.
Meanwhile, Mumbai Police are probing another case involving a death threat and a demand for Rs 50 lakh in extortion directed at Shah Rukh Khan. The call made to Bandra Police was traced to a phone registered to Raipur-based lawyer Faizan Khan, who said that his phone was stolen on November 2 and suspects conspiracy.