New Delhi The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday attached assets worth Rs 6.3 crore of “beneficiaries” like Nalini Chidambaram, wife of ex-Union Finance minister P Chidambaram, former CPM MLA Debendranath Biswas and a company owned by former Assam minister late Anjan Dutta in the Saradha chit fund money-laundering case.
ED said in a statement that a provisional order for attaching movable properties worth Rs 3.30 crore and immovable assets worth Rs 3 crore has been issued under Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), PTI reported.
These properties were owned by Saradha Group and other people, who were beneficiaries of “proceeds of crime” generated by the group, ED claimed.
The ‘beneficiaries’ include Nalini Chidambaram, East Bengal Club official Debabrata Sarkar, former IPS officer and ex-CPM MLA Debendranath and Anubhuti Printers & Publications owned by Dutta, a former Assam cabinet minister and president of state Congress party.
Saradha Group in West Bengal, Assam and Odisha perpetrated a chit fund scam till 2013, leading to the money-laundering case.