Sambalpur: Police on Thursday rescued an 11-day-old baby from Balabashpur in Odisha’s Sambalpur district and detained two persons in this connection.
Sources said a couple of Banjari village had recently sold their 11-day-old boy to a person through a middleman at Rs 12,000.
The Childline of Jharsuguda came to know about the incident and informed the police. Acting on the complaint, Jharsuguda police rescued the infant from Balabashpur and detained the middleman and the person who had bought the infant by paying the amount to the parents.
The duo was later taken to police station for further interrogation.
“After receiving information on the sale of the baby, we had gone to the village for investigation and found that the couple had sold their child. Later, with the help of the police, we were able to rescue the boy,” convener of Jharsuguda Childline Ashish Panda said.