New Delhi: According to Salman Khan, going by the box office performances of recent films, the coveted Rs 100 crore club may soon become common. He said that going forward, movies need to aim for Rs 1000 crore to succeed at the box office. He was speaking at the trailer launch event on Thursday of the upcoming Punjabi film Maujaan Hi Maujaan starring Gippy Grewal.
Salman Khan got candid about the hundreds of crores being minting at the box office, and said, “I think the Rs100 crore mark is going to be the rock bottom now. Everything would be Rs 400-500-600 plus now for the Punjabi industry, Hindi industry, every industry. Even Marathi films are doing these numbers. Rs 100 crore is not going to be a very big deal. I think the benchmark should be Rs 1000 crore for a film right now.”
“I think 100cr mark is going to be a rock bottom now, Every film should Target 400, 500, 600cr now. 100cr isn’t benchmark anymore” – #SalmanKhan at Maujaan Hi Maujaan Trailer launch.
— MASS (@Freak4Salman) September 21, 2023
During the event, Gippy Grewal said he’s hoping that his upcoming film will also earn big at the box office, given Salman Khan’s previous statement. His film Maujaan Hi Maujaan will be released on October 20. “When our films used to do business of Rs 10-15 crore, we would be surprised. Last time, when asked if our film can do Rs 100 crore, we didn’t know what to say. But by God’s grace, everything went well. If Salman sir is saying, then something huge will happen,” Gippy Grewal said.
To this, Salman replied, “Mere pe mat jana bhai, picture pe jana, kyuki mere khud ke predictions meri films pe nahi chal rahe (Don’t go by what I say brother, go by the movie as my predictions about by own films don’t seem to be working).”
Notably, his last film Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan earned around Rs 132 crore nett in India as per a report by It was released in April, months after Salman grabbed attention for his cameo appearance in Pathaan.
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