New Delhi: Actor Salman Khan is sporting a new bald look for the first time since the release of Sultan in 2016. Before that, he had changed his look in the 2003 hit Tere Naam. The actor stepped out with his new look for the first time to visit a restaurant, where the paparazzi caught up with him. It is not yet known if the bald look is in preparation for a new movie.
In a video shared by a paparazzo on Instagram, Salman was seen arriving at the restaurant in his car with a bald look. The actor wore a black shirt and matching pants.
Reacting to Salman’s new look, a fan wrote, “Only Salman can pull out the crowd with this look.” A comment read, “It’s his personality and swag that we love.” “My man is slaying in bald look,” commented a person. “Tere Naam 2 or Sultan 2?” asked another fan. “He’s giving full dedication towards his next film. Amazing,” said an Instagram user. “Look testing for Vishnuvardhan×Karan Johar’s next,” wrote another fan. “Old Salman is back,” read a comment.
In 2021, on Sa Re Ga Ma Pa, Salman had spoken about going bald.
As quoted by Indian Express, he had said, “Not many people know but there’s a very interesting story behind my look in Tere Naam. I was actually shooting for another film when the producer of Tere Naam and a very dear friend of mine – Sunil Manchanda came up to me and said that I’ll have to go bald to get into my character. I was not really sure because I was already doing a film at that time.”
“I still remember I was down with fever this one day, and the director of the other film was pestering me to attend the shoot. I impulsively went to the washroom and shaved my hair out of irritation. The next day, I called up Sunil ji and said that I had shaved my hair and am willing to sign up for Tere Naam,” he said.
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