Mumbai: Ranbir Kapoor has shared in a recent video how a teacher discouraged him from taking up music!
Neetu Kapoor had taken her children Ranbir and Riddhima to get them enrolled in music classes. The teacher had no problems taking Riddhima under her wings, but suggested that Ranbir should join karate classes because music is not his thing.
“He told my mother that I don’t understand sur aur taal, aur mujhse nahi ho paega,” Ranbir says in a special promo released by Sony TV.
Neetu will be a special guest on an upcoming episode of Indian Idol, where her journey in life and Bollywood will be celebrated. To add perspective, Ranbir and Riddhima will also appear in the show via video clips.
Ranbir, who had been infected with coronavirus earlier this month, tested negative a day earlier, Neetu informed via social media.