Ranchi/Bhubaneswar: After recovering more than Rs 351 crore cash during raids against an Odisha-based distillery group owned by Congress MP Dhiraj Sahu’s family, Income Tax department officials are now set to excavate the soil inside his Ranchi house.
According to reports, a 12-member team of I-T department reached the site with geo surveillance system machine. By using this machine, it can be found out whether gold or precious metal is hidden beneath the ground inside the house.
The team members are using the geo surveillance system machine to conduct a thorough search for jewellery and other items potentially hidden in the soil. Notably, the week-long I-T raid at places linked to Sahu’s family in Odisha concluded on Tuesday.
Following the conclusion of the raids in Odisha, the Income Tax department officials and personnel from the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) have left the premises. The raids targeted locations associated with the Rajya Sabha MP from Jharkhand.
The deployment of the Geo Surveillance System reflects the meticulous approach employed by the IT team in examining potential hidden assets or evidence during their search.
On December 6, the I-T department had started raids at Boudh Distillery and its promoters over alleged tax evasion in Odisha.