Bhubaneswar: The enforcement squad of the Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) on Tuesday collected a fine of Rs 90,000 from six bookstall owners and a jewellery shop owner for violating the lockdown guidelines.
According to reports, the enforcement team led by the deputy commissioner of the south-east zone Anshuman Rath, deputy commissioner Purandar Nanda and assistant commissioner Lilan Sahoo raided the market complex near Ram Mandir and booked six bookstall owners for opening their stalls in a complex and collected Rs 10,000 fine each from them.
The team later went to Bapuji Nagar and collected a fine of Rs 30,000 from a jewellery shop owner for a similar offence.
The team was accompanied by the Kharavela Nagar police.
Notably, BMC commissioner Prem Chandra Chaudhary had recently issued a standard operating procedure (SOP) for the traders and asked them not to open their shops inside market complexes having more than five shops.