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Adjustment is a nice little word. It explains how one copes with situations that don't fit into our usual template of responses. Some are good at it, some not so...
Read moreDetailsAway from the unfortunate circumstances that necessitated it, the lockdown has spawned several experiences, some good, some bad and some ugly. Thrown into a situation where there is no guidebook...
Read moreDetails"Statistics are like a drunk with a lamppost: used more for support than illumination." The quote attributed to Sir Winston Churchill, former British Prime Minister, appears apt in the context...
Read moreDetailsWhat turns an ordinary Joe or Jane into a superhero? Circumstance. And that critical decision to stand up and be counted. Grit and gumption get aligned in due course. Add...
Read moreDetailsThe dawn breaks languid and serene to the symphony of chirping birds. Soft, early rays of the sun lend colour and shape to silhouettes before painting the sky in...
Read moreDetailsMen were not made for home. Before it sparks a feminist outrage, let's clarify. It's because they are hopelessly unevolved for a full-time stay at home. They have been, some...
Read moreDetailsThe parallels are chilling. The reel experience is now dreadfully real. To call Contagion, the Steven Soderbergh-directed movie, prescient would be an understatement. As the corona pandemic continues its devastating...
Read moreDetailsHow is life for fish in an aquarium? Perhaps it is somewhat like that for people at homes during a lockdown. You have all you need to survive, but not...
Read moreDetailsAfter the pandemic runs its course, leaving a trail of devastation unimaginable so far, the world won't be talking about human resilience; it would be talking about good luck instead....
Read moreDetailsLiving in denial. That could be the worst approach to a crisis from the leadership. Prioritising politics over public health despite knowledge of the magnitude problem at hand can only...
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