As the Corona horror story unfolds with by-now predictable turns and half of humanity stays in confinement at homes burdened with the feeling of hopelessness, what catches the eye is...
In a bid to curb fake news and provide information to billions, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has started a health alert service on COVID-19 on WhatsApp. Users can just...
Keonjhar: Tension prevailed at Gambharia in Keonjhar district after villagers came to know that a man, who had recently arrived from Dubai, was staying at the village. According to reports,...
New Delhi: Now, all patients hospitalised with severe acute respiratory illness, shortness of breath and having fever and cough will be tested for COVID-19 infection. The revised strategy to fight...
Angul: Town police on Saturday arrested a youth for spreading rumours over coronavirus. Police said the accused, Bijay Kumar Soni, had posted a message on social media about a person...
Bhubaneswar: All government and private parks in the city will be closed immediately till March 31 to avoid mass gatherings amid the coronavirus threat, Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) said on...
Bhubaneswar: The Police Commissionerate clarified on Saturday that trucks and buses would be exempted from the odd-even rule for public transport vehicles in Bhubaneswar and Cuttack. Earlier on Friday, police...
New Delhi: In a relief to buyers from being fleeced by mask sellers, the Central government has regulated the prices of masks sold in the markets in the wake of...
New Delhi: In view of the proposed Janta Curfew by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Indian Railways on Friday declared that all trains will remain cancelled between 4 am to...
New Delhi: In an attempt to contain Coronavirus pandemic, IIT and AIIMS alumni Debayan Saha and Shashi Ranjan have come up with a device named ‘Airlens Minus Corona’ to sterilise...