Bhubaneswar: The CBI officials on Friday nabbed an employee of Postal department while accepting a bribe of Rs 1.4 lakh in Odisha’s Sambalpur district.
According to sources, Suvasish Pal, an assistant engineer (Civil) in Sambalpur postal sub-division of India Post, had allegedly demanded the bribe from a contractor for clearing the latter’s dues for some works executed by him. Pal had told the contractor to give the money in his office on Friday.
The contractor informed the CBI office in Bhubaneswar about the bribe demanded by Pal. As per a trap laid by the agency, he went to give the bribe money to assistant engineer’s office in Sambalpur. A seven-member team of the CBI swooped on Pal’s office and caught him red-handed while accepting the bribe, the sources said.
The CBI sleuths also recovered the entire bribe money from the possession of Pal. They have also picked up a middleman in this connection, the sources said.