New Delhi: The CBI has launched a probe investigation against 14 state medical councils and 73 foreign medical graduates who were allowed to practice medicine in India even without qualifying mandatory Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE), officials said
According to norms, a foreign medical graduate must qualify FMGE/Screening Test conducted by the National Board of Examination in order to get provisional or permanent registration with the National Medical Commission or a state medical council to practice medicine in India.
The CBI has registered a case of alleged corruption, criminal conspiracy, forgery and cheating against unidentified officials of state medical councils, the erstwhile Medical Council of India, and 73 foreign medical graduates, the officials said.
The National Board of Examination had intimated to the Ministry of Health that 73 such medical graduates who did their MBBS from foreign countries such as Russia, Ukraine, China, and Nigeria during 2011-22 have not qualified for its examination and yet got registration from various state medical councils.
“Such fraudulent and fake registration by non-qualified persons will be detrimental to the health and well-being of citizens. It has inter-state ramifications in the health sector,” a complaint from Union Health Ministry to the CBI said.