Puri: Some important files have allegedly been stolen from the sadar block office in Odisha’s Puri district. A complaint in this regard was filed at the Puri Marine police station.
A report from Puri said on Saturday that the incident had taken place on March 17, but the block authorities lodged the police complaint on March 30, about 13 days after the theft. This has raised many eyebrows.
Sources said police have registered a case and started an investigation into the file theft. Police had checked CCTV footage in the block office. A person stealing files from the office of an assistant engineer was captured in a CCTV footage. The theft had happened in the evening on March 17.
The scene has left police and people wondering how an outsider could get access to the block office without keys of the building. Some officials of the block are suspected to be involved in the case.
Even though more than a week has passed since the investigation was launched police are yet to identify the accused.
On the other hand, District Collector Samarth Verma said that action will be taken against those found involved in the theft.