Doctors Here Deliver Baby Girl Grown Inside Abdominal Cavity

New Delhi: Doctors at a private medical facility delivered a baby girl here who had grown in the abdominal cavity and not the uterus.

In most cases of pregnancies, a fertilised egg grows inside the uterus with the placenta, which provides nutrients and oxygen to the growing baby, attached to the uterus wall. However, in this case, it was attached to the bowel.

“In cases where the fertilised egg grows inside the abdominal cavity, it does not survive beyond four or five months, but in this case, it was a full-term pregnancy and the baby was delivered through a caesarean surgery performed on Monday morning. The baby’s weight was 2.65 kg,” Aarogya Hospital’s Dr Anjali Chaudhary was quoted as saying by news agency PTI.

“The woman came to us during her seventh month of pregnancy and the earlier ultrasounds that she had undergone in her hometown did not detect the issue. The baby was on the right side and was putting pressure on her right ureter. She was passing pus in the urine due to that condition and we had to put a stent in her ureter to manage the condition,” Dr Chaudhary said.

The scans showed that the baby was at the bottom first instead of in the usual head first position, said the doctor.

“The decision was taken to deliver the baby through a C-section. When we did the incision, we found that the baby was in the abdominal cavity and we knew it was going to be a serious surgery,” she added.

After being in the ICU for 12 hours, the baby was finally handed over to the attendants and the woman was shifted to a ward after 24 hours. “The mother and the baby are doing fine now and will be discharged on Friday,” the doctor said

The baby girl was the woman’s second child after she had a baby boy via C-section.

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