New Delhi: Deepak Vohra, a retired Indian diplomat, made some shocking claims during an appearance on anchor Deepak Chaurasia’s program on Zee News. Describing these claims as a “credible rumour, he said that during Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s visit to India for the G20 summit this month, his plane was “full of cocaine”. Additionally, the Canadian prime minister “did not come out of his room for two days”, which hindered his participation in G20 events.
“In his parliament address, he used the words ‘credible allegations’ against India. How can allegations be credible? Either it can be credible or an allegation. I also have a ‘credible rumour’ to make in this case that ‘Trudeau’ is crazy. It is a credible rumour,” Vohra said.
“My wife saw him at the Delhi airport and said that Trudeau looked depressed and stressed. We don’t know the reason. I don’t know the reality, but social media and some ‘credible rumors’ suggest that his plane was full of cocaine. He also missed the President’s dinner as some people say that he was not in his senses due to the drug consumption. So, seeing this nothing can be said about what goes on in his mind,” Vohra went on to add.
“He has definitely gone insane. He has become lonely. He is now trying to show that he is a Canadian Rambo and nothing can go wrong in his presence. India has done the right thing by suspending visa services in Canada. The Indian government has shown that now we are ‘New Bharat’ and that we’ll take a stand for the betterment of the country,” the former diplomat said.
Deepak Vohra has held diplomatic posts in various countries, including Armenia, Georgia, Sudan, South Sudan, Poland, and Lithuania. Currently, he serves as a Special Adviser to the Prime Minister in Lesotho, South Sudan, Guinea-Bissau, and the Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Councils of Kargil and Leh. Throughout his career, he has also worked in France, Vietnam, Tunisia, the United States, Nigeria, Chad, Benin, Cameroon, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, and Spain. Additionally, Ambassador Vohra previously served as an Officer on Special Duty to the Technology Advisor to the Prime Minister of India.
Deepak Vohra is not new to making controversial remarks. Earlier, in a TV debate, Vohra had called Chinese President Xi Jinping “ping pong ting ling ting ling”. An investigation by the CBI is currently underway regarding allegations of “financial irregularities” during his tenure as ambassador to Sudan from 2007 to 2009.
A retired Indian Diplomat on
Indian TV says – there are “credible rumor that Trudeau’s plane had cocaine when he landed in India & he was overdosed for 2 days thus he couldn’t attend all G20 programs. Such is the level if discourse on Indian media #Sikh— Crime Reports India (@AsianDigest) September 25, 2023