Mumbai: Karan Johar clarified on Wednesday that he and family members had returned negative RT-PCR tests and emphasized that his home was not ‘hotspot of COVID.’
The filmmaker had hosted a house party on December 8 after attending which Kareena Kapoor, Amrita Arora, Seema Khan and Maheep Kapoor had tested COVID-positive.
The Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) had said that Kareena and others had violated COVID-19 protocols.
Karan took to Instagram to state that he did not throw any ‘party’ but only hosted an ‘intimate gathering’ for eight people, following all COVID protocols.
“My family and I and everyone at home have done their RTPCR tests and with the grace of God we are all negative. In fact, I tested twice just to be safe and am negative. I truly appreciate the grandest efforts of the BMC to ensure the safety of our city. Salute to them. To some members of the media, I would like to clarify that an 8 people intimate gathering is not a ‘party.’ And my home which we maintain strict protocols in is certainly no ‘hotspot’ of Covid,” Karan wrote.
“All of us are responsible and masked at all times and no one would treat this pandemic lightly. My request to certain members of the media is to exercise some restraint in their extreme reportage without the assessment of facts! Lots of love and safety to all,” Karan added.
BMC on Tuesday sanitized Kareena’s apartment and sealed the building along with two other buildings. Karan’s apartment complex was also sanitised.