Mumbai: After a purported intimate video of Big Boss OTT 3 contestants Armaan Malik and Kritika Malik went viral, Jio Cinema—the platform where the realty show is streamed—lodged a complaint against unknown persons claiming that the video was ‘doctored.’
In its complaint, it stated that they would take the adequate measures to know about the individuals responsible for the circulation and making of the ‘doctored’ video. Jio Cinema has lodged a formal complaint with the Cyber Crime unit and has urged for a probe into the matter, reported the ETimes.
“The complaint is against unknown persons for altering and doctoring the content of Bigg Boss (on OTT platforms) and streaming X, formerly known as Twitter. The Bigg Boss OTT Season 3 (on OTT platform) is a highly popular program streamed on Jio Cinema, hosted by Mr Anil Kapoor, a prominent Bollywood personality,” the complaint read, according to media reports.
Jio Cinema has also cautioned that this may be just the beginning and several such videos may have been made. The platform, however, mentioned that it had not come across more such contents so far. It further alleged that such actions were a part of a well-planned criminal conspiracy designed to disrupt the program and defame the company.
Concerned over such vulgar content, need law for OTT platforms: Shiv Sena MLA
Shiv Sena Secretary MLA Manisha Kayande, in an ANI interview, slammed the OTT platform for endorsing such ‘vulgar’ content and had also criticized Armaan. Such content in reality shows could have a negative impact on young minds, she had mentioned. She had also stated that she would request the Minister of Information and Broadcasting to introduce a law for OTT platforms during the ongoing Budget session of the Parliament.
What’s the controversy?
Armaan Malik—who is known for his marriages to both Payal Malik and Kritika Malik—is facing a huge backlash on social media for his alleged intimate video with his second wife, Kritika, from the show going viral. Reacting to the video, Payal had claimed that it was fake. “The video is edited. I have stayed in the Bigg Boss house and can confirm that the lamps and blanket seen in the clip are different from those in the house,” she said, according to media reports.
Who is Armaan Malik?
YouTuber Armaan Malik has a perfect rags-to-riches story. Coming from a financially-challenged background, Malik climbed up the ladder in barely two-and-a-half years with his YouTube earnings. Each video on his YouTube channel named Malik Vlogs (@armaanmalik2154) has millions of views and a brimming comment section. He and his family also have other famous YouTube channels including Family Fitness, Chirayu Payal Malik, Malik Family Vlogs, Number 1 Records, Malik Kids, and Malik Fitness Vlog. According to reports, he has over 7.61M subscribers and 1.2K videos. He has often drawn criticism for flaunting his polygamous relationship with both the wives. However, recently his first wife Payal claimed that she is separated from him. He married Kritika, Payal’s best friend, six years after his first marriage.