Mumbai: In an open letter on Instagram, Nayanthara on Saturday criticized Dhanush for not letting her use film footage from Naanum Rowdy Dhaan for her Netflix documentary, ‘Nayanthara: Beyond the Fairytale’ and also dubbed such an act as ‘vile’.
Earlier, Dhanush had sent her a legal notice of ₹10 crore. Calling Dhanush ‘a well-established actor’, she said that the actor—who had the support and blessings of his father and his brother—needed to understand the fact that cinema ‘is a fight for survival for people like’ her.
In the letter, she refers to herself as ‘a self-made woman with no links in the industry and someone who had to struggle my way to the position I hold today.’
#SpreadLove and Only Love 🫶🏻
— Nayanthara✨ (@NayantharaU) November 16, 2024
‘Vengeance affect not just us but the people who have given their effort ’
She shared how much effort her team has put into her Netflix documentary. “Vengeance that you have been festering against the film, my partner and I, doesn’t just affect us but the people who have given their effort and time towards this project,” she wrote. The actor said that she had to “re-edit and settle for the current version” of her documentary after waiting for two years as Dhanush “declined to permit the usage of Naanum Rowdy Dhaan songs or visual cuts, even the photographs, to say the least, despite multiple requests.”
Nayanthara about the legal notice
“It is understandable if it is business compulsions and monetary issues that mandate your denial; but it hurts that this decision of yours is only to vent out your personal grudge against us and that you have deliberately remained indecisive this long. What’s even more shocking is your legal notice after the release of the trailer of the Netflix Documentary. We were startled to read those lines wherein you questioned the usage of some videos (just 3 seconds) which were shot in our personal devices and that too BTS visuals that are already very much publicly present on social media and claimed a sum of ₹10 crore as damages for the mere 3 seconds,” she added.