Bhubaneswar: Noted Ollywood actor Mihir Das will receive lifetime achievement award while another actor, Sidhhanta Mohapatra, will be conferred with the ‘Cinema Gourav’ Sammana at Odia Cinema and Doordarshan Samman Utsav ‘Show-Time’ to be held in Puri in February next year.
According to sources, it will be a two-day star-studded affair with who’s who of the Odia film industry attending the even on February 8 and 9.
A total of 60 artistes from Odia film and television industry will be felicitated during the event. Of them, four are from Puri.
The actors will perform on the occasion.
The committee president Suryanarayan Rath, advisor Bapu Lenka, Kedar Mishra and secretary Nabakishore Pradhan will coordinate the programme.