Sundargarh: Police on Tuesday recovered the mutilated body of a female postmaster, who had been missing since last evening, from a field near Lefripara block in Odisha’s Sundargarh district.
The deceased has been identified as Snigdha Pradhan, who was working as a postmaster in Telendihi. Her body bore multiple injuries, indicating that she died after being brutally attacked, sources said.
According to Snighdha’s family members, she went missing after an argument with a male friend on Monday evening. When she did not return home at night, her parents lodged a missing complaint with Lefripara police. Her mangled body was found in a field in Kurumkel Belsariapada the following morning.
Though the exact reason of the death is yet to be ascertained, it is being suspected that she was first stabbed and then stoned to death. The body was later disposed of in the nearby field, the sources added.
A case has been registered and probe is underway.