New Delhi: Neeraj Chopra isn’t single any longer. The Olympian has finally tied the knot. He announced his marriage today on January 18, 2025, taking everyone by surprise. The couple got married in an intimate ceremony. But the exact date and location of their marriage is still unknown. Neeraj Chopra shared his wedding pictures on social media. But who is the mystery girl who stole Neerja’s heart? Let’s find out more about his wife, Himani Mor
जीवन के नए अध्याय की शुरुआत अपने परिवार के साथ की। 🙏
Grateful for every blessing that brought us to this moment together. Bound by love, happily ever after.
नीरज ♥️ हिमानी
— Neeraj Chopra (@Neeraj_chopra1) January 19, 2025
Who is Himani?
According to reports, Himani is a well-known tennis player from Larsauli in Haryana. She shares her roots with another popular tennis star, Sumit Nagal, the Sportstar reported. Both Nagal and Himani studied at the Little Angels School, Sonipat. Himani comes from a family of athletes, and her brother, Himanshu, is a tennis player. She has done her bachelors from Delhi’s Miranda House in Political Science and Physical Education.
She then moved to the US for higher education. There she studied at Southeastern Louisiana University and worked as a part-time volunteer assistant coach in tennis at Franklin Pierce University. She has achieved several key milestones in her career. She was the second runner-up in World Juniors 2017. According to the All India Tennis Association (AITA) website, her career-best national ranking was 42 in singles and 27 in doubles in 2018.
Where does she work?
Presently, Himani Mor works as a graduate assistant at Amherst College. She manages the college’s women’s tennis team. She is also pursuing a Master of Science degree in sports management and administration from McCormack Isenberg School of Management.