Bhubaneswar: Taking note of the rapid surge of COVID-19 cases in the country and the state, Additional Chief Secretary (Health) Pradipta Kumar Mohapatra has asked the Collectors, Municipal Commissioners and CDM & PHOs to take immediate stringent measures to mitigate the pandemic.
Mohapatra has directed the authorities concerned to keep the required number of beds with oxygen facilities in DHH / MCH ready for immediate use of Covid patients.
The other measures to be taken include:
- Isolation beds in ICU, HDU, DIALYSIS, Labour Room etc should also be kept ready for immediate use.
- Private hospitals of the districts shall also be kept in readiness for immediate use with short notice.
- Adequate stock of medicine like Flavipiravir, Remdisivir etc should be maintained at district-level to meet the demand at local level.
- District teams should be re-oriented on the SOP for treatment of patients under home isolation. The same should be followed without fail.
- RRTs teams should undertake periodic visits to patients under home isolation, as per SOP.
- Vaccination of comorbid categories should be stepped up on a war footing