Bhubaneswar: Vigilance sleuths on Monday arrested RWSS superintending engineer, Bhubaneswar, Bijayananda Sahoo for allegedly accumulating Rs 3.13 crore assets, which is 221% higher than his known sources of income.
“After a thorough search, inventory and further enquiry, the income, expenditure and assets of Sahoo were calculated and he was found in possession of disproportionate assets to the tune of Rs.3,13,76,599,” a vigilance release said.
On Saturday, Vigilance sleuths had unearthed two triple-storey and one double-storey buildings, 14 plots, Rs 1.8 lakh in cash, Rs 15 lakh worth of bank deposits and a four-wheeler during simultaneous raids at six places in Bhubaneswar, Dhenkanal and Angul.