Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Vigilance on Friday unearthed one four-storey building worth Rs 1.5 crore, four high-value plots and a four-wheeler during raids on former superintendent of Jharpada Special Jail , Bhubaneswar, Satya Prakash Swain on allegation of possessing assets disproportionate to his known sources of income.
He is current posted as superintendent of Keonjhar District Jail.
According to a Vigilance release, simultaneous house searches are being conducted by teams led by 12 DSPs, 11 inspectors SI/ASIs, and other supporting staff on the strength of search warrants issued by Special Judge, Vigilance, Bhubaneswar, at 7 places in, Bhubaneswar, Bhadrak, and Keonjhar.
Assets unearthed so far in the name of Swain and his family members:
1. A four-storey residential building over 3300 sqft area worth Rs 1.5 crore at Jharpada, Bhubaneswar.
2. 4 high-value homestead plots in prime areas of Bhubaneswar (1), Balangir (2), and Dhenkanal (1).
3. One four-wheeler and a two-wheeler.
The measurement and valuation/assessment of the building/plots are being carried out by Vigilance Technical Wing. Bank, insurance & postal deposits and other investments are also being ascertained.
Raid are currently on at these following location:
1. Residential house at Govindprasad , Laxmisagar , Bhubaneswar.
2. Parental house at Siddhi Vihar , Khandagiri , Bhubaneswar.
3. Native village Narsinghpur, Dhusuri, Bhadrak.
4. Govt quarters oat Special Jail Colony, Jharpada, Laxmisagar , Bhubaneswar.
5. Govt quarters inside Jail campus, Keonjhar.
6. Office room at Keonjhar.
7. House of relative at Jharpara, Laxmisagar, Bhubaneswar.