New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday chaired a high-level meeting to review the preparedness for cyclone Fani. He instructed senior officials of the Central government to maintain close coordination with officials of the Fani-affected states and ensure preventive measures.
The meeting was attended by Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha, Principal Secretary to the PM Nripendra Misra, Additional Principal Secretary to the PM P K Misra, Home Secretary Rajiv Gauba, senior officials from the IMD, NDRF, NDMA and PMO, said a statement issued by the Press Information Bureau (PIB).
Visuals: PM today chaired a high-level meeting in Delhi to review preparedness for Cyclone #Fani. Meeting was attended by Cabinet Secretary, Principal Secy to the PM, Additional Principal Secretary to the PM, the Home Secretary&other senior officials from IMD, NDRF, NDMA&PMO etc.
— ANI (@ANI) May 2, 2019
During the meeting, the PM was briefed about the likely path of the cyclone, and the ongoing precautionary and preparatory measures being undertaken.
These include the provision of adequate resources; deployment of teams from NDRF and the Armed Forces; arrangements to provide drinking water; and standby systems to restore power and telecom services, the PIB statement said.
After reviewing the emerging situation, the PM asked the officials to take effective steps for relief and rescue operations as required, besides preventive measures.
The severe cyclonic storm is expected to make landfall near Puri on Friday afternoon packed with a wind speed of up to 180-190 kmph.
Under its influence, states like Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka have already received a good amount of rainfall since Wednesday morning.