Priyanka Chopra has not been sitting idle during the lockdown period. The actor, whose latest production ‘Evil Eye’ released on Amazon Prime Video recently, said that she has not really taken a break but has been producing “a bunch of work.”
“I’ve been doing a lot of developmental stuff and producing a bunch of work, so actually quarantine has been very, very productive for both me and Nick. But just the idea of tangibly being back on set is, like, crazy,” she was quoted as saying in The Indian Express (TIE).
In an interview with ETOnline, she spoke about her quarantine life saying that she and husband Nick Jonas have been taking all the COVID-19 precautions.
“We’ve been very, very safe actually, because Nick is Type 1 (diabetic), and I’m asthmatic. So, you know, we’ve just been super careful about who we interact with and how we do it,” she said.
“I don’t miss being stuck in traffic and going to meetings. I’m actually really grateful to be able to wear sweatpants with, like, a formal shirt and, you know, do an interview,” the actor was reported as saying
Her upcoming work includes ‘We Can Be Heroes’, ‘The Matrix 4’ and ‘The White Tiger’ .