New Delhi: Xiaomi has collaborated with Google to come up with a budget series phone based on the new Android Go platform. Redmi Go prices start at Rs 4,499 for the 1GB RAM/8GB storage variant.
The Redmi Go has a 5-inch display, Snapdragon 425 processor, 8MP rear camera, 5MP selfie camera and a 3,000 mAh battery. It will run Android Oreo Go Edition out of the box.
Based on Android Go platform and dedicated to India, the Google Assistant in it recognises Hindi as well as Hinglish. Facebook Lite, Messenger Lite, Twitter Lite and other low-resources apps are pre-installed.
The first sale will be on March 22 via Flipkart, Mi Home stores and There are Rs 2,200 cashback coupons from Jio.
The Redmi Go will compete with Samsung Galaxy J2 Core and Nokia 1.