Nayagarh: The Nayagarh district police on Thursday detained the sarpanch of Madhyakhanda panchayat under Daspalla block for allegedly threatening a doctor on duty.
As per reports, the accused sarpanch, identified as Ganeshwar Nayak, assaulted Dr Brajendra Kumar of the Madhyakhanda Community Health Centre (CMC) and threatened to kill him.
Locals claimed that the doctors of the CMC were regularly absconding from their duty, leaving the patients to suffer, revealed sources.
The villagers approached the panchayat with their complaint, following which the sarpanch summoned the doctor and threatened him with dire consequences.
In no time, the doctor lodged a complaint with the local police and got the sarpach arrested.
Earlier on Wednesday, the Odisha Police DG Abhay had instructed police to take strong action against people who man-handle the medical professionals.