New Delhi: Actor Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri are slowly getting back to a normal routine after the arrest and subsequent release of their son Aryan Khan in the drugs on cruise case. returning to work now. While SRK made his first digital appearance at an event on December 15, Gauri shared her first social media post after Aryan’s bail.
An interior designer, Gauri announced her collaboration with fashion designer duo Falguni and Shane Peacock. Gauri also shared a video showing glimpses of their meetings. The clip also shows Falguni and Shane’s new store in Hyderabad, designed by Gauri. AJR’s song Good Part can be heard playing in the background.
“A collaboration where design meets fashion for the new @falgunishanepeacockindia store in Hyderabad with the dream team @falgunipeacock @shanepeacock @tanaaz. New designs, new city, same team….so excited for the continuation of this alliance. Can’t wait to share more details! @bottomlinemedia #gaurikhandesigns #falgunishanepeacock #collaboration (sic),” the post was captioned.
Gauri’s fans welcomed her back. A fan also wrote, “Mam srk ka khayal rakhna aap (please take care of SRK) (sic).” Another commented, “I’m so happy you’re back, And today you shared a new post, I am very happy for your family, I hope you are always happy and healthy (sic).”
Meanwhile, SRK too, made a virtual appearance at an event for a car company. SRK congratulated the company via a video message.