New Delhi: Today’s big release, Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathaan has set another record on its opening day. According to trade analyst Taran Adarsh, some 300 shows have been added after the first-day first show. Pathaan now has the highest screen count of any Hindi release – it’s showing on 8,000 screens worldwide and 2,500 of these are abroad. Pathaan has opened in over 100 countries, also a record. The spy thriller stars Shah Rukh Khan as the title character with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham in pivotal roles.
“Unprecedented: Pathaan shows increased, screen count all-time highest (Hindi),” tweeted Taran Adarsh, “Pathaan has taken BO by storm. 300 shows increased by exhibitors right after first show. The total screen count is now 8,000 screens worldwide. India: 5,500 screens, overseas: 2,500 screens.”
Taran Adarsh’s tweet:
UNPRECEDENTED: ‘PATHAAN’ SHOWS INCREASED, SCREEN COUNT ALL-TIME HIGHEST [HINDI]… #Pathaan has taken #BO by storm… 300 shows increased by exhibitors right after first show.
Total screen count now is 8,000 screens *worldwide*… #India: 5,500 screens, #Overseas: 2,500 screens.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 25, 2023
Pathaan sold 5.5 lakh tickets for its first day in advance booking. The record (for Hindi and Hindi-dubbed films) is held by Baahubali: The Conclusion with Pathaan in second place. The top 5 is rounded off by KGF: Chapter 2, War and Thugs Of Hindostan which eventually flopped and so should serve as a cautionary tale against celebrating too early).
Ticket Sales Of *Day 1*… #Hindi and #Hindi dubbed films…
NOTE: National chains only.1. #Baahubali2 #Hindi 6.50 lacs
2 #Pathaan 5.56 lacs
3. #KGF2 #Hindi 5.15 lacs
4. #War 4.10 lacs
5. #TOH 3.46 lacs— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) January 24, 2023
Pathaan, directed by Siddharth Anand, is part of producers Yash Raj Films’ spy universe that also includes the Tiger films, starring Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif, and War, starring Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff.
Shah Rukh Khan plays a RAW agent brought in from the wilderness to tackle a terror threat.