Mumbai: Further unfolding the mysetrious death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, in an interview to Times Now, the ambulance driver, Sahil said there were two ambulances to carry the late actor’s dead body.
The trolley wheel of the first ambulance was broken and hence, they had to call for the second one. As soon as, the second ambulance arrived, he drove off the first one, Sahil told Times Now.
The driver of the second ambulance Akshay told Times Now that he was called by the Mumbai Police as the wheel of the stretcher of the first ambulance was broken.
After reaching Sushant’s building, he and his helper moved the body from the bed into a rexin cover. Akshay also stated that Sushant only had a mark on his neck and an unknown person payed him for the job, a few days later, Times Now added.