Bhubaneswar: Tata has unveiled the Safari with the first vehicle rolling out of the factory on Thursday. Based on Land Rover's OMEGARC platform, the massive SUV has three rows of ...
Bhubaneswar: A day after the nostalgic Tata Safari video, Tata Motors has announced that the 7-seater variant of the Harrier will be named Safari. The SUV was codenamed 'Gravitas' earlier ...
Mumbai: Tata on Tuesday posted a video for its popular SUV Safari. The video titled "Safari - We Miss You" shows all generations of the SUV along with catchy phrases ...
Bhopal: India's first hot air balloon wildlife safari was launched on Friday in Madhya Pradesh’s Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve. The hot air ballon safari, an ecologically-sensitive and non-instrusive way, will offer ...
Bhubaneswar: Forest and Environment Minister Bijayashree Routray on Thursday inaugurated 'Jungle Safari' vehicles at Bharatpur Forest, the south-eastern part of Chandaka-Damapara Wildlife Sanctuary, on the outskirts of the city. To create ...