New Delhi: A thief returned stolen gold jewellery worth Rs 3.2 lakh in Maharashtra’s Palghar district after an appeal by the police.
Superintendent of Police Palghar Rural, Balasaheb Patil in a release said this was one of the success stories of the ongoing “Jana Samwad Abhiyan” in the district.
An unidentified man had entered a house in Mangelwada of Kelva in Palghar and stolen gold jewellery worth Rs 3.2 lakh on May 31. Following this, a case was registered, he was quoted as saying.
According to the police, during a “Jana Samwad Abhiyan” meeting, the police spoke to villagers and urged that whoever stole the jewellery must return the same to show his honesty and loyalty towards the community.
Lo and behold! The police on Tuesday found the stolen jewellery kept at the doorstep of a prominent person in the village.