Bhubaneswar: Three persons, including a member of Bajrang Dal, were arrested on Wednesday here on charges of attacking Odisha Bikash Parishad chief Sushant Padhi’s house in Laxmisagar area of Bhubaneswar.
The Commisionerate of Police registered cases under different sections of IPC and Sec 3 of Epidemic Act against Prakash Kalia of Dhauli area, Manoj Mohapatra of Bhimatangi area and Ashok Behera of Khurda, before handing them over to the court.
According to police sources, Prakash is the sub-coordinator of Bajrang Dal while Manoj is a member of ‘Go Suraksha’ (cow protection unit).
The trio had hurled stones and eggs at the residence of Padhi, who had moved Supreme Court to stall Puri Rath Yatra, at Bomikhal on Monday. They also damaged the windshield of Padhi’s car.
Commissionerate Police had deployed police personnel in front of Padhi’s house, but the trio clashed with cops, who overpowered them and detained them.