Balasore: Vigilance sleuths on Wednesday caught red-handed Kaptipada inspector-in-charge (IIC) Braja Bandhu Nayak and assistant sub-inspector (ASI) Rabi Narayan Suar of Mayurbhanj district, while taking Rs 20,000 as bribe from a person to release his motorcycle and execute bail bonds in respect of the complainant and other accused persons.
SP (vigilance), Balasore, Sunil Kumar Senapati said, Nayak demanded bribe on Tuesday to release complainant Tapan Kumar Barik ’s bike and execute the bail bond of accused persons in connection with a case was registered in September at Kaptipada Police station. Accordingly, Barik met Nayak at the latter’s government quarters and handed over Rs 20,000 to Suar, who is investigation officer of the case.
To trap the police duo, a team of vigilance sleuths, who were waiting outside Nayak’s house, entered the scene and caught both red-handed. While Rs 11,500 was recovered from Nayak’s pocket, Rs 8,500 was found with Suar. Washing of their hands pant pockets positive reaction, confirming handling and accepting of bribe, the vigilance SP said. “We have arrested and court forwarded them. We have also registered two separate cases against them,” the SP added.