New Delhi: The United Kingdom has moved India to a medium-risk ‘amber list’ from the so far high-alert ‘red list’ for entering England from Sunday, August 8.
According to the UK government’s foreign travel advice, the changes came into effect from 4 am on Sunday.
Following the move, people travelling to the UK from India will have some ease now. Fully vaccinated travellers are no longer mandated to follow the 10-day hotel quarantine rule.
A ‘traffic light’ system has been incorporated by the UK for international travel. Under the system, separate coronavirus disease (Covid-19)-related rules and protocols for each of the coloured lists, classifying zones according to the risk they pose, reported Hindustan Times.
A country being on the ‘red list’ (like India was till now) means passengers from that country are not allowed to travel freely to England.
Only British and Irish nationals, or those who hold UK residency rights, can enter the country from the ‘red list’ places.
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