New Delhi: Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in her Budget speech, said that the required spectrum auction will be conducted in 2022 for the rollout of 5G mobile services by private telecom providers- Airtel, Jio, or Vi.
To enable affordable broadband and mobile communication in rural and remote areas, she announced a Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme for 5G.
“Scheme for design-led manufacturing 5G will be made part of production linked incentive scheme. To enable affordable broadband and mobile service and proliferation in rural, 5% of annual collection under USOs fund will be allocated. This will provide and promote R&D and commercialisation of tech and solutions” she said.
If reports are to be believed the 5G spectrum auction will take place in Q1 of 2022.
Notably, telecom companies have already initiated the trials for 5G services at different locations in India.