Ganjam: Domestic feud took an ugly turn in a village under Bhajanagar police limits in Odisha’s Ganjam district on Tuesday when the woman in a fit of rage doused her 72-year old husband in kerosene and set him ablaze.
According to sources, Prafulla Sabat and his wife Pramila Sabat, residents of Kulada village, had an altercation over some issue two days ago. Prafulla had no inkling that his wife was seething with anger since the quarrel. While he was sitting at backyard of his house this morning, his wife poured kerosene on him from a jar and set him on fire.
Prafulla, who sustained 40 per cent burn injuries, was rushed to Bhanjanagar hospital by his neighbours and then shifted to MKCG Medical College and Hospital in Berhampur after his condition deteriorated.
Police have started an investigation into the incident.