Mumbai: Actor Ranbir Kapoor was spotted with his girlfriend and actress Alia Bhatt outside Jodhpur airport. According to pictures shared by paparazzi on Instagram, the couple were spotted in the royal city of Rajasthan, News18 reported. Ranbir will be celebrating his 39th birthday on Tuesday.
A picture shared by Instagram handle Bollywood Pap on Sunday showed Ranbir wearing a brown tracksuit with a black backpack and face mask, while Alia was spotted in a green and white tie and dyed denim jacket which she wore over a crop top and a pair of blue jeans. The couple were seen donning sunglasses and face masks as they stepped out of Jodhpur airport.
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It is also being speculated that the couple may be looking for potential wedding venues since they have been dating for quite a few years now. In an interview last year, the actor had said that the deal would have been “sealed” had the “pandemic not hit our lives.”
Alia and Ranbir will be seen working together on screen for the first time in Ayan Mukerji’s ‘Brahmastra’, which also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Mouni Roy, Nagarjuna Akkineni and Dimple Kapadia.