Australian Jessica Fox Uses Condom To Repair Kayak At Tokyo Olympics, Wins Bronze In Canoeing

Tokyo: This Australian athlete used a condom to fix her boat and went to win the bronze medal at the Tokyo Olympics.

Jessica Fox, Olympic medalist in canoeing and kayaking found an ingenious way of using condoms distributed at the Olympic Games Village. The Olympic medalist in canoeing and kayaking used the rubber to fix her boat.

In a short video posted on TikTok, the Aussie, who won gold in the women’s C1 canoeing slalom final and bronze in women’s kayaking K-1 final, revealed how her team repaired her boat, The New Indian Express (TNIE) reported, quoting IANS.

“Bet you never knew condoms could be used for kayak repairs,” read the text alongside the clip. “How kayakers use condoms,” she captioned the short video.

Jessica had won the bronze with the boat repaired by condom on Tuesday. She returned to the water to win gold on Thursday. Before coming to Tokyo, she had won medals in the last two Olympics. She won silver in the 2012 London Games and bronze in the 2016 Rio Olympics.

Notably, the organisers of the Tokyo Olympics have handed out 1.5 lakh condoms to the athletes, the report added.


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