Puri: Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Thursday distributed land records to slum dwellers of eight districts under the Jaga Mission at a special programme held at Talabania Indoor Stadium complex in Puri. The CM handed over Record of Rights (RoR) to slum dwellers of eight districts, including Puri, Balasore and Kendrapara. According to sources, land pattas will be provided to the highest 6,500 slums in Puri. As many as 187 slums out of 594 beneficiaries in Kendrapara were provided land records today. Each family was allotted minimum 331 square feet land for construction a house.
The Jaga Mission aims to provide property rights to around 18 lakh people living in the urban slums of all the municipalities and NACs in the state. The State Government has allocated Rs 100 crore for the programme during the 2018-19 financial year. Under the programme, eligible beneficiaries will also get facilities like housing, drinking water, LED lights, toilets, etc.