New Delhi: In yet another case of suicide by a political person, a 58-year-old Delhi Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader was found dead inside a park in West Delhi’s Subhash Nagar. The police suspect it to be a suicide case, The Indian Express (TIE) reported.
According to the police, the deceased, Gurvinder Singh Bawa, former West Delhi vice-president, allegedly hanged himself from a grill inside the park on Holi. No suicide note was recovered from the spot. As per the preliminary probe, police suspect that Bawa may have killed himself over domestic issues, the report added
“We received a call around 6 pm about the incident. The investigating officer went to the spot and found a man hanging. Bawa’s son, Ishwender Singh, later came to the park and identified the body, ” a police officer was quoted as saying.
A former lawyer, Bawa is survived by his two sons.