New Delhi: In a disturbing development, a student of Delhi Public School (DPS) Mathura Road sent a bomb threat to his school.
Police said on Monday that it was a hoax and the email had been sent by the 16-year-old ‘just for fun’.
After police was informed by DPS authorities that they received a bomb threat last week, the entire premises was evacuated. The email claimed a bomb was placed in the school campus at Mathura Road and that it will get activated at 9 am on Wednesday.
The school campus was thoroughly searched after all students, teachers and staff were taken out, but no suspicious object was found.
During the investigation, police found that the email ID from which the mail was received was linked to the minor student.
“Being a minor, the student was neither detained, nor questioned. We have counselled him,” officials said.
The boy said during the counselling session that he had planned the prank “just for fun”. The idea came to his mind after reading about a hoax threat which was received by The Indian School in Delhi’s Sadiq Nagar last month.