Twitterati are having a ball after a user posted that he was charged Rs 1,700 for two boiled eggs in a hotel in Mumbai. The user @KartikDhar tagged Rahul Bose and asked, “Bhai Aandolan karein?”
Actor Rahul Bose had recently tweeted that he was charged Rs 442 for 2 bananas by JW Marriot hotel in Chandigarh.
2 eggs for Rs 1700 at the @FourSeasons Mumbai. @RahulBose1 Bhai Aandolan karein?
— Kartik Dhar (@KartikDhar) August 10, 2019
User @KartikDhar shared a photograph of the bill at Four Seasons, Mumbai.
The tweet has gone viral and here are some funny reactions to it:
Is ande ke sath Sona bhi nikla hai kya?
— A N U P R I Y A (@cricketwoman) August 10, 2019
???Chicken must be from very rich family…??
— Bhushan (@bhushan87404847) August 10, 2019
Dinosaur ka anda tha bhai 1700 toh kaafi reasonable hai!
— shash (@aslileo) August 11, 2019