New Delhi: Shah Rukh Khan talked about failures and shared a motivating message for everyone at the Global Freight Summit in Dubai on Tuesday. The Bollywood superstar urged everyone to introspect and not cry over their failures. He explained this by citing the example of the film industry. SRK mentioned that if a film fails to perform well at the box office, it is not because of a ‘conspiracy’ but because one must have not been able to connect it with his audiences.
“When you fail, you should not believe that your product or service or job went wrong. Maybe you just misunderstood the ecosystem you were working in. You have to understand how people are reacting. If I cannot elicit an emotion from the people I cater to, then my product is not going to work how wonderful it may be,” SRK said, according to News18.
Asked if he is critical of his work, Shah Rukh Khan admitted positively and shared, “I hate feeling this and then I cry a lot in my bathroom. I do not show it to anyone. You have to believe that the world is not against you. Your film did not go wrong because of you or because the world is conspiring against you. You have to believe that you made it badly. Then you have to move on.”
King Khan mentioned that even though there are moments of despair, one must learn to get up and get on. “There are moments of despair but there are moments which say, ‘shut up, get up and get on with it’. You have to do it because the world is not against you. You should not believe that things are going wrong only for you. Life moves on. Life does what it does. You cannot start blaming life for what it does,” he added.
On the work front, Shah Rukh Khan will soon be seen in King. The film will also star his daughter, Suhana Khan.