Mumbai: During the recent trailer launch of ‘Sky Force,’ produced by Maddock Films, Akshay joked that the production house’s horror-comedy ‘Stree’ marks his ‘dedh’ collaboration with filmmaker Dinesh Vijan.
When asked if he would be a part of ‘Stree 3,’ Akshay said that it’s up to the filmmakers to decide on that.
“What can I say? Dinesh and Jyoti (Deshpande; producer) will have to decide that. They’re the ones to pump in the money,” said Akshay.
He added, “Aur Amar Kaushik ko direct karna hai (And Amar Kaushik has to direct it).”
To this, filmmaker Dinesh Vijan replied that Akshay will definitely be a part of ‘Stree 3’ as he is the ‘Thanos’ of the ‘Stree’ universe, reported News 18.
“Of course, he’s a part of the universe! He’s our Thanos (laughs),” confirmed Dinesh.
Earlier this week, while announcing their upcoming projects, Maddock Films had shared that the third instalment of the Rajkummar and Shraddha starrer ‘Stree’ will be releasing in August, 2027.
The second instalment ‘Stree 2’ had left cash registers ringing at the box-office. One of the best cameos in the movie was that of Akshay Kumar.
Akshay was introduced as a descendent of Chandra Bhan, the chauvinist patriarch of Chanderi who had killed Stree and her husband. Vicky and his gang found him at a mental asylum in Bhopal.
The actor was seen sporting a blonde wig, standing in a wheelchair, thinking himself to be the Mughal emperor Shahjahan, and asking for an update on Taj Mahal.
The climax of the film hinted that Akshay will be playing a supervillain in the third instalment.