Bhubaneswar: The Vigilance sleuths on Wednesday raided Kartikeswar Roul, Assistant Engineer of Minor Irrigation Division, Bhanjanagar, in Odisha’s Ganjam, on charges of accumulating assets disproportionate to his known sources of income.
According to an official release, simultaneous searches are being carried out at six places in Khurda and Ganjam districts.
1. Residential quarter at Irrigation Colony, Bhanjanagar
2. Office at Bhanjanagar
3. Flat no. B-1, Tusti Apartment, Meridian College Lane, Khandagiri in Bhubaneswar
4. Flat no. A-073, Cosmopolis Residency, Bhubaneswar
5. Three-storey building at Jagamara, Khandagiri in Bhubaneswar
6. Parental house at Langaleswar, Khallikote in Ganjam district
So far, Rs 2,50,880 in cash has been recovered from the residence at Bhanjanagar and Tusti residential flat in Bhubaneswar.
Searches are continuing.