New Delhi: Actor Neha Dhupia resumed her professional commitments following the recent passing of her father-in-law, renowned cricketer Bishan Singh Bedi. She made her comeback to work on Friday as she took on the role of hosting the MAMI opening night.
The Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival 2023 kicked off on October 27, with its opening night taking place at the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC). The event drew a star-studded gathering, with numerous well-known celebrities in attendance, such as Priyanka Chopra, Kamal Haasan, Mani Ratnam, Kareena Kapoor, and Aditi Rao Hydari.
In a poignant gesture of respect, Dhupia was observed wearing a black armband on her left arm throughout the event.
Bishan Singh Bedi, the celebrated former Indian cricket captain and iconic spin bowler, passed away at the age of 77 on October 23. For the past two years, Bedi had been battling deteriorating health and had undergone several medical treatments. He is survived by his wife, Anju, and their son Angad Bedi and daughter-in-law Neha Dhupia.